The Audible Voice of God, by Mark Rector copyright 2000 A.D.  | About our Miniature Warhorse | < >

Update 2016.10.25 [25 October 2016]: We have a new favorite music video, The Riddle - by Five For Fighting.

Update: Please refer to Lord Byron's "When we two parted" for better understanding of the poem "The Kiss."

About Us - What we do and how we do it.
This website and domain name,, is owned by Mark Rector.
It was purchased many years ago, reserved for personal and business applications.
We have used it to host e-mail accounts, private FTP directories for friends and acquaintances, and so forth.
We have also used it to publish many personal works and preferences, including verse and prose compositions and to preserve musical productions.
If you wish you may consider it a "vanity website" — that is entirely within your earthly rights.
There may be a higher power which believes otherwise.
His opinion is the only one which counts, okay?

2001 © Website and Domain are copyright-protected Intellectual Property of Mark Rector.
All rights are reserved.

What do we do?
We serve the Lord.
We obey.
We keep His Commandments.
We bear the testimony of Jesus Christ.
We await His return.
We also have earthly labors.
In 2016 we formally retired.
We continue to labor, but not in a traditional employment vocation.
We teach and consult.
We know a little about physics and science.
We know a little about agriculture and horses.
We know a little about the Internet: what it is, what the Internet does and how it works.
Quick Jump to:

How do we do it?
We ask Him what He wants us to do, and He tells us.
He is faithful, we rely upon His faithfulness: He will do what He has said that He will do,
It's what the word "faith" means: keeping one's promises, doing what one has promised to do.
No person has enough faith to achieve any great work. Nobody.
He gives to us a portion of HIS faith, "By grace ye are saved through faith, and that not your own: it is a GIFT."