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The mystery  of God. Why Holy Matrimony and the propagation of Mankind are God's first priority, before even Order and Salvation.
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The mystery  of God: what, why, who, when, where and how?
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These are my  notes to the United Methodist Church; to those who are called to The General Conference Calling February 23-26 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri; and to Pastor Todd Ladd regarding the mystery of God: Why Holy Matrimony and the propagation of Mankind are God's first priority, before even Order and Salvation.
I. In the beginning:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God." [John 1:1-2; KJV]
[ed. note. This 'in the beginning" refers to before God made Heaven and before He made the angels, long before He created this world: He was the only person who existed, He was God and He was alone.]

II. The very first words spoken by Adam:
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him. [GEN 2:18]
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh ...
Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. [GEN 2:23-24; KJV]

III. Jesus cited and confirmed the first words of Adam.
Below are the only words of Adam which Jesus quoted in the Bible.
And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. [Matthew 19-4-5, 8; KJV]

IV. Consider the importance of aloneness:
(a) In the beginning God was alone.
(b) In the beginning Adam was alone, and God said that It is not good that Adam should be alone ...
(c) Adam's first words recorded in the Bible were " ... shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
(d) Jesus confirmed Adam's words, that The Holy God always meant for us to become one flesh ... from the beginning.

V. This is the mystery of God:
God was alone, like Adam was alone before Eve.
God made all of the angels and he made Heaven for them to dwell in.
But still all of the host of heaven were not fitting companionship for God — because they were much too far below Him.
God made Adam, and gave Adam dominion over the entire earth and all living things.
Adam had many lower creatures with him: but they were not EQUAL to Adam.
All of the creatures of earth combined were unable to be "meet for him" — there was still no companion for Adam.
God walked with Adam, Adam had both God Himself and all of the living creatures for companionship.
Adam was alone. Because Adam did not have someone who was "meet for him" he was still was alone.
God said that it was not good. God knew before all of creation that Adam would be alone: it was His intention, His will, His plan all along from before the beginning.
Genesis 2:18 » "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him."
God made Eve. God caused a great sleep to come over Adam and separated Adam into TWO people: Adam and Eve.
Finally Adam had "an help who is meet for him."
God is making in us a new creature.
God made man, Adam and Eve, and told them to multiply and to fill the earth; but still they were not meet for him.
God came down into this world, and redeemed us.
He is preparing HIS bride.
When He returns, the Bride of Christ will live with Him in New Jerusalem for 1,000 years.
During that 1,000 years we will grow into the Resurrected + Glorified JESUS, and He will grow into us:
and we shall be one flesh.
At the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus with His Bride,
~ after we have spent every second of every minute of every day, 365,250 days total, with Jesus,
~ finally we will have grown into the "new creature" which will be able to look upon the face of the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
When we are finally completely perfected in Jesus,
~ only then will Jesus ascend to His throne which is in heaven,
~ and we will know JESUS as He really is: The only true God, the Creator, the Heavenly Father who has made for himself a companion forever — and we will become one body with God of which He is the head.
~ We will not equal to God ... but finally He will have an help who is meet for HIM.
Finally the mystery of God will be at an end:
» He always was, He is now and always will be
"the mighty God, the everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace." [Isaiah 9:6]
"The Lord thy God is ONE."
» Because we will be fully in Jesus and JESUS is in us, "one flesh" and one body of which He is the head,
Finally we will be able to comprehend what His name YHWH ("Jehovah") has always meant: I will in  the future to have proven in the most distant past to have always been who I am.
Finally we will be able to see Him face to face as He has always been.
God will have an help who is meet for HIM.
How great is His love for us?
Since before the beginning, HIS plan has always been to make one who is fitting to be with Him.
It is what all of creation is all about.

What has He done so far, and what still needs to be done?
Todd, we are simply not big enough to even see Him, let alone to be one flesh with Him. We simply are not big enough.
It is as though a single-celled paramecium came face to face with a great blue whale: the microbe would not be able to even perceive the whale, the whale would only be an enormous and solid wall of matter which could not be seen; only run into.
God made the host of heaven, trillions of angels or more: even all of the host of heaven together could not become "big enough" to be an help who is meet for HIM.
God looked down on the plight of Man and saw that he had not a saviour, and He said I will go down and I will save them.
Now we wait for His second coming, when we will become the bride of Christ.
Each of us will have become much, MUCH bigger.
Then all of us will become "one flesh" body of Christ with the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christ as the head of the body.
Finally we will have become that "new creature" which was made lower than the angels; but have been made higher than the angels and merged into one body.
We are now in only the first phase(s) of creation — there are many more creations to come, as there are "Worlds without end."
Once the new creature which He is making in us is completed; when we will have become a "suitable" companion for Him (big enough) to be with Him, and are able to see Him as He really is, always has been and always will be; only then will we be able to comprehend His great love for us and the power of His resurrection: this mystery of God  be at an end.
Then He will fold up this world — like one folds up an old garment to dispose of it — and will implode this universe: reversing the "Big Bang" (which has already begun, of which there has been scientific evidence for almost a century).
The end of time will occur when all of creation ("light" or energy) is pulled back to the same point in this space-time continuum where it started, creating virtually infinite gravity and heat which nothing can survive (this is the lake of fire).
But He will have taken us out of this world, into a new heaven and new world, where we will be with Him forever: His bride who is a suitable companion for the Creator, the Eternal Father, the Holy God.