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From Bob Sands 2007.08.07 FACT: if something has already happened then it must be possible. Right?
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From Bob Sands on 2 March 2007
Bob Sands wrote to me ...
While looking for some instruction on hearing the audible voice of our Father, I ran across your site.
A. Bob Sands sent me the following message ...
From: Bob Sands
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:39 PM
To: voiceofGod@horsesense.ws
Subject: your site
While looking for some instruction on hearing the audible voice of our Father, I ran across your site.
I was hoping to get more in depth information, but I was struck by some of the similarities in our stories. In appreciation, I do want to say that I did pick up from you some good pointers.
I wanted to send a note to you, just not sure why. Anyway, thank you for sharing what you did, and I will be looking at your site now and then.
B. I immediately replied to Bob ...
From: Mark Rector
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Bob Sands asking about the Audible Voice of God
Subject: Bob from Mark Rector, Re: the Audible voice of God

Howdy Bob,
You wrote: I wanted to send a note to you, just not sure why. Anyway, thank you for sharing what you did, and I will be looking at your site now and then.
Thanks kindly for taking the time to write.
re: While looking for some instruction on hearing the audible voice of our Father ... I was hoping to get more in depth information...
He said that His sheep would know His Voice.
It is both a promise, and a commandment.
You can't force it, and nobody on Earth can do it.
He speaks.
We listen.
We can ASK to know His voice.
I suggest going to Him, and asking Him – based upon His promise and upon His faithfulness to His promises. (warning: our faithfulness is not worth anything, a motheaten bag of empty trash: we rely upon His faith that He gives to us).
But that’s just a way of a man saying it; you really need to hear HIS voice, not mine.
re: I was struck by some of the similarities in our stories. In appreciation, I do want to say that I did pick up from you some good pointers.
Bob, I did not have a plan when He lead me to write it. I just did it.
I am curious, though: what “pointers” did you find?
When I was first saved + baptized with the Holy Ghost, I read Jesus’ promise: ... He will lead you into all truth.
That is what I rely upon, Him to lead me into truth. It is His job to lead, and ours to follow.
best regards,
mark rector
C. Bob replied to me ...
From: Bob Sands
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:52 AM
To: Mark Rector
Subject: The Audible Voice
Hi Dr. Rector,
Hearing from our heavenly Father, it seems to me, is the sine qua non of the Christian life. If we can not hear from Him specifically, how can we possibly minister for Him. Even Jesus said He did what He saw His Father doing, He said what He heard His Father saying. If He needed that, how much more do we!
Sorry for the long response, but I also included some comments.
I. Bob cited from the webpage: Also, when we go before The Lord to hear His voice, we must be totally committed, "sold out to God," as Ruby would say.
By being "sold out," she admonished, we must not place any of our temporal exigencies on Almighty God our Maker, who speaks to us from the throne of Heaven. We must subjugate our flesh completely, if our ears of flesh are to hear the audible voice of God. This means that we must not take thought of food or drink, or of what we must do on the morrow, for God knows that we are flesh. Neither may we sleep, for the weakness that is our flesh will betray us.
Bob's comments: But some have spontaneously heard His voice (in both Scriptures and the experiences related by others). So I am not sure of this point, although I know when I heard His audible voice, it was at a time of deep seeking for Him.
II. Bob cited from the webpage: We must go into our prayer closet with full and complete commitment, ask The Lord to reveal to us His voice, thenceforth to speak only praises to Him without other requests or repetition, to put from our minds all thoughts or expectations, and to become silent: as befits a man of flesh and bone kneeling before the throne of the Almighty God. We wait upon Him.
Bob's comments: There is Scriptural support for this, although I may think it may be for those believers who want a continued experience of hearing His voice, rather than those who want to hear it for the first time.
III. Bob cited from the webpage: Brad and Jim promised to immediately go home and seek the audible voice of God. They would not delay, but would do so at once, and would wait as long as it takes until they hear His voice. They could do this because neither at that time had a job, and would have quit their jobs anyway, because they were totally devoted to this pursuit.
Bob's comments: I would have liked to hear some more follow up on them, how they fared after making this degree of commitment. Also it would be nice to hear more of the experience of Miss Ruby as well.
IV. Bob cited from the webpage: I told Him how that I always believed that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth, as was written. Also, how He had said that His sheep would know His voice. Also, that for us to know His voice, we must hear His voice. Also, that I understood that He required total commitment. I then apologized for the small pittance which I brought: on the third morning I must go to work and return to my wife. I was abashed at the poorness of my offering by way of commitment, as compared to my friends. I acknowledged that He is not a respecter of persons, nor does He require of any man more than we can bare.
Bob's comments: I appreciated this, because it reminded me of a few OT admonitions, that we are to "present our case" to Jehovah when we are seeking anything from Him. There is also an instance where He is said to present His case to us.
V. Bob cited from the webpage: I resolved to accept His voice–His words–and to keep them.
Bob's comments: This is often a complaint Jehovah makes about us. He speaks to us, and we do not listen, i.e. obey, so He stops. It seems like you were unconsciously being instructed on the commitments you were to make in order to gain your desire, the arguing of your case, and the commitment to hear and obey. I prefer to accept these as the actual requirements for an entry into hearing His voice, while the other seems to be for the more mature believer. We ALL need to hear his voice whatever our stage of spirituality is.
VI. Bob cited from the webpage: I knew she was home, because the van was parked outside, and finally I found her huddled in our bedroom closet. She was cringing, sitting with her knees pulled up into her lap, hiding, crying, terrified. I asked her what was wrong, but she would not tell me. She has never told me.
Bob's comments: This seems so typical. You describe a classic spiritual, demonic attack, and the person does not understand what is happening. She probably could not tell you, because she did not know herself. Sadly I went through two divorces, and both of my wives at that stage acted similarly. One in a furious anger (extremely uncharacteristic of her), the other in fear (also uncharacteristic). And neither being able to explain what was happening or why.
VII. Bob cited from the webpage: Therefore, Elaine could not sue God for divorce, she lacked the requisite basis for divorce. It is still a wonderment to me. It has caused conflict and turmoil in my mind and soul.
Bob's comments: It seems this is also characteristic, a spouse totally violating Scripture in a divorce. Jesus basically had only two enemies on the human level, actually three, 1) religious leaders. 2) followers who are spiritually blinded at some point (or many times). 3) our own families. All this is VERY, VERY common with us.
VIII. Bob cited from the webpage: I demanded ("demanded" is the correct word: I just now thought about it for several minutes, wanting to use the exactly correct wording for what I did), demanded of Him that He reveal to me where Elaine–the other half of my flesh–resided. As a child of God I had the right and the responsibility to know where my wife was.
Bob's comments: Conventional Christians really don't like this. But there is Scripture support for it. At one place in Isaiah, Jehovah says, "Command ye me...." Also the NT word for "ask", used in relation to prayer, is also a legal term, used when the Jews petitioned Pilate, petitioned a governor to condemn Paul, and when the Philippian jailer asked his subservient for a torch (showing his authority). God has given us authority,even with Him, so to speak, as we ask/petition Him to carry out His spiritual laws, as you rightly did in the above. You had authority to make this petition over her as your wife. You had the right more as a husband, than a child of God, even as you said in the following paragraph.
IX. Bob cited from the webpage: .... as I proceeded down the street that The Lord had indicated. I then thought I heard some voice say,"Now turn left," and then again, "Turn right."
After just a few minutes I realized that the enemy had stolen my answer by lying to me, and that it was my fault. I continued to drive around until about fifteen minutes after five o'clock, and gave up the search.. By that time I was trying to find her on my own.
Bob's comments: This is one thing I really needed reminding and pointed out. In the midst of one of His most spiritual experiences, His fast in the wilderness, Jesus had to be hearing the voice of God often. Then, when He was hungry, Indicating a return to the flesh, Satan appeared with His temptations. I see there must be a way to discern, when you are actively hearing our Father's voice, that the voice switches to an ungodly voice. This is something we need to be acutely aware of, that transition.
Any way, I really appreciated the article. It helped me in what I am undergoing at the moment.
I believe we need to go much, much further in hearing the audible voice of Jehovah. He has shown me many ways to hear Him on a consistent and amazing level. But, from Scripture and His leading me into this, I believe we have to go much, much further.

Thank you so much, Dr. Rector.
I very much appreciate your humility in relating all you have to teach us this important lesson.
D. I replied to Bob ...
From: Mark Rector
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:54 PM
To: Bob Sands
Subject: Spontaneous vs. petitioning The Lord; re: The Audible Voice
Hello Bob,
Thanks for the thought, but I am not a doctor. Just call me Mark or brother. Okay?
I value the opportunity to discuss these things with you, I have meditated on them for many years (in the biblical “mediation” connotation, from the Hebrew fairly interpreted as “to mutter to oneself” – as opposed to modern or eastern pseudo-meditation.)
This could get a little more complex than I wish, but I see no way around it. Communication through “the firmament” is susceptible to distortion by the enemy (it is within his domain). Therefore I must be very cautious and exact with no room for ambiguity, but that leads to long + detailed terminologies and glossaries, qualifiers and definitions, and so forth.
Therefore, I would like to talk in small words, and to trust The Lord to help us avoid and/or reconcile misunderstandings (He promised that wheresoever two or more are gathered in His Name, He is in their midst.)
Here is my first effort: – regarding ...
Regarding: Also, when we go before The Lord to hear His voice, we must be totally committed, "sold out to God," as Ruby would say. By being "sold out," she admonished, we must not place any of our temporal exigencies on Almighty God our Maker, who speaks to us from the throne of Heaven. We must subjugate our flesh completely, if our ears of flesh are to hear the audible voice of God. This means that we must not take thought of food or drink, or of what we must do on the morrow, for God knows that we are flesh. Neither may we sleep, for the weakness that is our flesh will betray us.
You wrote: But some have spontaneously heard His voice (in both Scriptures and the experiences related by others). So I am not sure of this point, although I know when I heard His audible voice, it was at time of deep seeking for Him.
My response: Yes, I too have heard His voice spontaneously, specifically when I was NOT asking him (but I was in “meditation”).
I had written a letter to my wife. I had outlined exactly what marriage was, what + where our responsibilities resided, what happened when we were married by God and so forth.
I was preparing to stop at the Post Office to drop it in the mail before heading to work.
The Lord interrupted my plan, and gave me a very specific order.
He spoke to me audibly: Do thou it not.
(if you had been in the room at that time, your ears would have heard it also. it was NOT spiritual, not something which could be missed. this is the audible voice of God.)
in brief:
Yes, He can speak to whoever He wants, where ever He wants, in whatever way that He wants.
That was not really the topic I was addressing.
The topic was more along these lines...
IF: He is the Shepherd, and we are His sheep.
AND-IF: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
BUT: we do NOT hear His voice.
THEN: who are we? Are we His sheep, or not?
Bob, the whole point was that the sheep recognize the Shepherd’s voice, and come to him when he calls;
and that this is an AUDIBLE sound the shepherd makes to his flock, in order to gather them or to protect them in urgent times or emergencies, to lead them to water or food or shelter, etc.
Does this answer your point about hearing His voice spontaneously (i.e. unplanned by us), versus specifically petitioning The Lord to hear his AUDIBLE voice?
warm regards,
mark rector
E. A week later I replied to Bob asking him how it went ...
From: Mark Rector
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:48 PM
To: Bob Sands
Subject: Re: The Audible Voice
Hello Bob.
I have a few more minutes to reply to the points you cited below.
[ prologue: Bob, the Pharisees were doing what The Lord made them do. It was part of His Plan, the reason He came into this world, why He made this universe, and why you and I are here today. Remember that, like Pharaoh before them, God intentionally hardened them against the Good News: I will give them eyes that will not see and ears that will not hear and hearts that will not understand, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and believe in their heats and be saved.
Also we must remember that we did not choose Him, He chose us.
Perhaps the most frightening scripture is when time comes to an end, when the last trump sounds + there is no more time. Everything about our salvation is HIS doing, not ours.]
In no particular order ...
A. In reply to: Therefore, Elaine could not sue God for divorce, she lacked the requisite basis for divorce. It is still a wonderment to me. It has caused conflict and turmoil in my mind and soul.
You wrote: [7] ... Jesus basically had only two enemies on the human level, actually three
1) religious leaders.
2) followers who are spiritually blinded at some point (or many times).
3) our own families.
All this is VERY, VERY common with us.
to which my response is: Bob, These are the three enemies we must overcome: The world, the flesh and the Devil.
Those which you mentioned fall within the above categories. They are also the three temptations of Christ in the wilderness, I believe.
B. In reply to: ... as I proceeded down the street that The Lord had indicated. I then thought I heard some voice say,"Now turn left," and then again, "Turn right." After just a few minutes I realized that the enemy had stolen my answer by lying to me, and that it was my fault. I continued to drive around until about fifteen minutes after five o'clock, and gave up the search.. By that time I was trying to find her on my own.
You wrote:: [9] This is one thing I really needed reminding and pointed out. In the midst of [a] one of His most spiritual experiences, His fast in the wilderness, Jesus had to be hearing the voice of God often. Then, when He was hungry, Indicating a return to the flesh, Satan appeared with His temptations. I see there must be a way to discern, when you are actively hearing our Father's voice, that the voice switches to an ungodly voice. This is something we need to be acutely aware of, that transition.
to which my response is: Bob, you said that “one of His most spiritual experiences, His fast in the wilderness.” Where is this written in the scriptures, Bob? That it was one of his most spiritual experiences?
You have substituted your human “must be true” rationalizing for sound proof, the scriptures. (this is “the leavening of the Pharisees” against which we are warned. There are no ‘licensed, card-carrying credentialed” Pharisees any more, but this action is performed every day, all the time, today.
aside: I have found “leavening” to be the core of most “sermons” today. The only exceptions are those services in which Jesus is in charge, performing His ministry Himself.) I have found the “wresting of the scriptures” to be the most common practice in both avant garde and mainstream denominational gatherings.
He said, Wheresoever two or more are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst.
Hopefully that would include “church gatherings” – at least true worship services.
I must go now Bob, I am sorry for the short note.
What do you say about what I have written, what do you think?
[But of course it does not matter what we think.]
Instead please tell me what you have found to be true:
When you heard the Audible Voice of God, what did God say?
in Yeshua Messiah,
If you are Bob Sands or his surviving wife or child (or if you know him), and if you are able to share with the world his personal testimony of hearing the audible voice of God (Jesus Christ) please do not  [Users of Google Chrome web browsers instead.]]
Why is it important to bear the Testimony of Jesus Christ?
Whose names does Jesus Christ write into His Book of Life?
Please notice that, to the best of my knowledge, there is only one place in the entire bible where it specifically defines and answers the question "Who gets into heaven?" in The Book of Revelations.